A Vow To A Broken Heart

Young love is a very passionate thing. It is wonderful when you are in it but torn apart when it ends. This was a poem I wrote many years after the ending of such a relationship.

Why do I expect so much
When it comes to affairs of the heart
Mines been broken time and again
Now’s the time for the ending to start

No more will I let feelings go
No more will tears flow

No more dreaming of something better
A family, Children, A home, A life to last
Alone I am left except one little angel
All the rest simmering in the ashes of the past

I know before I’ve made this vow
But there’s no turning back now

No longer, with a man, will I try to be happy
No more will there be someone with whom to make a family
Because each time I end up wanting to cry
This time all it will be is my angel and me

No more tears will fall
Because I’ve given up on them all

Dreams of happiness were just a mistake
No man will I ever again peruse
I won’t look to see if you still exist
Mr. Right I don’t even want you

This everlasting vow I make
To never again have my heart break

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